About the RGVbizgrid

Try our free self assessment & find resources tailored to your needs!
Lunch & Learn Entrepreneur Speaker Series
As You Scale Your Business, What Role Will Content Play?
 10 Negotiation Techniques to Make You a Better Entrepreneur
From Concept to Delivery: Tips for Perfecting Your Investor Pitch
Don’t Quit and Other Lessons from a Wantrepreneur Turned Entrepreneur
How to Design and Deliver a Business Pitch That Secures Startup Funding 
Startup Planning: 5 Keys to Success

Local Resources, local ambition, local impact 

Welcome to your one-stop business entrepreneurial resource website, RGVbizgrid. Here you can expect to find access to local resources, tools, experts, and funding opportunities for entrepreneurs in the Rio Grande Valley. The information contained within this website contains local resources within our four-county area of Cameron, Willacy, Hidalgo, and Starr Counties.

RGVbizgrid is a directory of business services for aspiring startups and existing entrepreneurs in the RGV.  From local funding opportunities through grants or competitions and learning opportunities to help you strengthen your business, we’ve got it all.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with this resource website and become a frequent user. We aim to strengthen and facilitate resources for all entrepreneurs in the RGV.