TMAC stands for Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center. We are an MEP affiliate, consisting of eight Texas partner institutions, providing affordable technical management, consulting and training services for companies in pursuit of accelerating profitable growth and improving products, processes and people statewide.
We exist to provide affordable assistance in technical, management, consulting, and training areas to accelerate profitable growth and improve companies products, processes and people. Our power lies within our affiliation with the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) and our six partner institutions to deliver services statewide.
Our cost effective services give you the tools to be competitive. Whether it is a spot solution or total transformation, all technical assistance and training is customized to fit your objectives. TMAC works with you to improve productivity, quality and profitability.
TMAC is perfect for businesses that want to:
- Grow
- Increase Profits
- Be Environmentally Responsive
- Improve Management Systems
- Implement Appropriate Technologies
- Develop a Skilled Workforce

TMAC stands for Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center. We are an MEP affiliate, consisting of eight Texas partner institutions, providing affordable technical management, consulting and training services for companies in pursuit of accelerating profitable growth and improving products, processes and people statewide.
We exist to provide affordable assistance in technical, management, consulting, and training areas to accelerate profitable growth and improve companies products, processes and people. Our power lies within our affiliation with the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) and our six partner institutions to deliver services statewide.
Our cost effective services give you the tools to be competitive. Whether it is a spot solution or total transformation, all technical assistance and training is customized to fit your objectives. TMAC works with you to improve productivity, quality and profitability.
TMAC is perfect for businesses that want to:
- Grow
- Increase Profits
- Be Environmentally Responsive
- Improve Management Systems
- Implement Appropriate Technologies
- Develop a Skilled Workforce
- Lunch & Learn Entrepreneur Speaker Series
- As You Scale Your Business, What Role Will Content Play?
- 10 Negotiation Techniques to Make You a Better Entrepreneur
- From Concept to Delivery: Tips for Perfecting Your Investor Pitch
- Don’t Quit and Other Lessons from a Wantrepreneur Turned Entrepreneur
- How to Design and Deliver a Business Pitch That Secures Startup Funding
- Startup Planning: 5 Keys to Success
- Lunch & Learn Entrepreneur Speaker Series
- As You Scale Your Business, What Role Will Content Play?
- 10 Negotiation Techniques to Make You a Better Entrepreneur
- From Concept to Delivery: Tips for Perfecting Your Investor Pitch
- Don’t Quit and Other Lessons from a Wantrepreneur Turned Entrepreneur
- How to Design and Deliver a Business Pitch That Secures Startup Funding
- Startup Planning: 5 Keys to Success